LCL Accounting Joins Cooperative Research Australia

It is great to join Cooperative Research Australia (previously CRC Association) as a service partner member. We are looking forward to providing our well regarded accounting services within the CRC community.

Congratulations to the three newest CRCs which were announced over the course of the election campaign by then Minister of Science and Technology, Hon Melissa Price, with $154.4 million Commonwealth funding for Round 23 leveraging more than $372 million in cash and in-kind to tackle some of Australia’s biggest challenges.

CRC SAAFE leverages $112 million in cash and in-kind contributions from 53 partners to help solve antimicrobial resistance challenges posing a growing threat to Australia’s food, agribusiness, and environmental sectors.

SoMAC CRC leverages $189.3 million in cash and in-kind contributions from 36 partners to enable composites R&D to meet Australia’s national self-sufficiency priorities, servicing the rising demand for just-in-time localised composites innovations, automation and digitization. 

Finally, One Basin CRC leverages more than $106.5 million in cash and in-kind contributions from 85 partners to deliver science-based solutions that contribute to grwoth and benefit rural communities and the environment to manage climate and water risks in the Murray-Darling Basin.

Congratulations again to all the successful recipients, and we are looking forward to providing services to you.